About Us
Skye Children's Co-operative is a community based not-for-profit service with all profits reinvested back into the centre for the benefit of the children and the community.
We believe that families are an integral part of which shapes as a co-operative, but also as a shared child-centred, reflective, respectful practise with each of our staff members and the Board of Management.
We aim to achieve, for each child, the foundation for a love of lifelong learning in a culturally rich, stimulating, kind, sustainable and playful environment built on respectful relationships.
We value Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, specifically the Wurundjeri Wilam people as the custodians of the land we work and learn, as Australia's first people and committed to maintaining an environment that reflects these values of respect for the land, waterways, fauna and flora and people.
Skye is a 42 place centre which runs three rooms based on children’s ages and stage of development.
The Victorian government is progressing 3 interrelated reforms that are integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing or safety. From April 2021, additional organisations and services were prescribed under all 3 reforms and this includes Early Childhood Education and Care services. The initial point of contact for Information Sharing is the Early Learning Manager who can be contacted via
Phone: (03) 9435 2302 / 0407 194 992 or Email: skye.childrens.cc@kindergarten.vic.gov.au